C-295W as Inflight Helo Refueler

2017-01-17 The C-295 is an evolving lift and support aircraft. The W version has several enhancements to the legacy aircraft. In a Trade Media Briefing held on May 29 and 30 2013, Airbus highlighted the changes associated with the C-295W. According to Airbus Military: Featuring winglets and uprated engines as standard,…

The Challenge of the Dodgy Dossier: Trump and the Main Stream Media

2017-01-17 By Kenneth Maxwell Donald Trump has always seen the Main Stream Media (MSM) as his competitors and frequently enemies. The press was the most vilified target during his raucous Presidential campaign. Attacking the press always drew the loudest and most popular response from his followers, other than attacking "crooked Hillary…

Shaping a 21st Century Defense Strategy: The Norwegian Way Ahead

2017-01-08 By Robbin Laird Norway stands at an interesting global and historical point in the evolution of Western defense. It faces directly resurgent Russia and faces the challenge with its Nordic partners of Baltic defense as well. Then with the Arctic opening and the High North actually part of Norwegian…

Coming to Grips With a Strategic Shift: From Non-Proliferation to Strategic Deterrence in the Second Nuclear Age

2017-01-05 By Paul Bracken, Yale University The most interesting thing about the second nuclear age is that it actually came about. It wasn’t supposed to happen, at least according to most political science theory. What was supposed to happen after the cold war was a reinvigorated global nuclear nonproliferation regime,…