The Egyptian Navy Takes Delivery of Its Second Mistral Class Amphibious Ship

2016-09-22 Earlier, Second Line of Defense has raised the question several times about whether the execution of the Mistral deal made any sense in light of Russian actions in Europe. As Steve Blank noted in 2014: Whatever the logic of negotiating a deal with Russia in 2011, the strategic situation has changed dramatically.  The seizure…

Shaping a Way Forward for the Canadian Air Force: Putting the Fighter Decision in Context

2016-09-21 By Danny Lam The Canadian Air Force along with the entire Canadian Defence Force faces a tough transition. The challenges to Canada associated with developments in both Europe and Asia or what the recent NORTHCOM/NORAD Commander referred, as threats from the 10 and 2 O’clock are going up, not down.…

Australian Army Assess the Evolution of the Land Forces in a Fluid Combat Environment

09/21/2016: The Chief of Army's Exercise 2016 was an invitation-only event held in Adelaide on Brisbane on 5 – 8 September 2016. The theme was ‘Redefining boundaries for the 21st century land forces’. According to the Australian Army: The Chief of Army’s Exercise provides the Australian Army, together with its national,…

An Update on Air-Sea-Land Integration for the ADF: The Perspective of Brigadier General Mills

2016-09-16 By Robbin Laird During the Williams Foundation seminar on Air-Land integration, a key speaker was Brigadier General Chris Mills, Director General, Army Modernization for the Australian Army. After his presentation, I had a chance to discuss with him his perspective on the way ahead of the Australian Army for…

Visiting the Headquarters of Fleet Base East: Shaping an Infrastructure for a 21st Century Fleet

2016-09-19 By Robbin Laird On the Friday after the Williams seminar on air-sea integration, I had the chance to tour the headquarters of the Australian Navy’s Fleet Base East on Garden Island, Sydney. Garden Island is the largest historic naval area on Sydney Harbour, with use going back to the founding…

The Brexit Challenge to European Defense: Italy Proposes a “Schengen of Defence”

2016-09-17  According to the Italian Ministry of Defence, Italy is looking to expand European defense efforts in the context of the Brexit dynamic. Minister Pinotti, during a joint interview with Minister of Foreign Affairs Paolo Gentiloni to French magazine  "Le Monde", expressed her  hope that "a multinational European force based…