A-29 Super Tucanos Train for Close Air Support Role in Afghanistan

05/06/2016: The highest priority skillset for the Afghan Air Force A-29 Super Tucano pilots is the effective execution of close air support (CAS). Pilots are trained to employ rockets, precision-guided bombs, general purpose bombs, and strafe. The A-29 can employ a variety of weapons to do this mission: .50 cal…

F-35s at Luke AFB: Dropping GBU 12s

05/03/2016: An F-35 Lightning II from the 61st Fighter Squadron lines up into an attack route in preparation to drop a GBU-12 500-pound laser-guided bomb, April 25, 2016, at the Barry M. Goldwater Range in Gila Bend, Ariz. Three F-35s successfully delivered six inert GBU-12s during the practice bombing, making the 61st FS the…

New Approaches to Air-Land Integration: A New Special Report

2016-04-19  On March 17, 2016, the Williams Foundation held its latest seminar on fifth generation enabled combat operations, this one focused on new approaches to air-land integration. The terms of reference for the seminar highlighted the way ahead. “Air forces need to be capable of delivering air and space power…

Shaping the Template for Air Interceptions While Russians Continue Their Hot Dog Tactics

05/02/2016: It is not difficult to see how air intercepts in the Northern European region could escalate. Nato is working hard to shape an effective air intercept template. A number of fighter jets from NATO and NATO partner nations have been training together at an airbase in Estonia. Among the…