2016-03-22 By Robbin Laird During the previous week, at the Air Power Conference and then at the Williams Seminar on new approaches to air-land integration, a key focus has been upon how to shape a more integrated and effective force structure for 21st century missions and operations. From the perspective…
2016-03-21 By Robbin Laird I had a chance to meet with students and to give a presentation at the Centre for Defence and Strategic Studies which is part of the Australian Defence College. I made a presentation last year to the Williams Foundation, and this discussion was a follow on to…
2016-03-19 By Robbin Laird and Ed Timperlake Our visits to Pax River provided insight into the East Coast team, which is completely integrated with the West Coast team at Edwards Air Force Base; the legendary home of the Right Stuff air combat innovators. In his seminal work about US military…
2016-03-19 By Robbin Laird The Williams Foundation hosted a seminar on new approaches to air-land integration. The terms of reference for the conference were as follows: Air forces need to be capable of delivering air and space power effects to support conventional and special operations in the land domain. Air-Land…
2016-03-18 By Robbin Laird On March 17, 2016, in Canberra, Australia, the Williams Foundation held a seminar looking at the evolution of fifth generation enabled combat transformation which focused on new approaches to air-land integration. And the seminar followed the two-day RAAF Airpower Conference, which addressed a broad range of airpower…
2016-03-16 By Todd Miller The second Red Flag of 2016 featured an international coalition of NATO partners training against a dynamic and integrated “Red Adversary” Force. The exercise running from February 29 to March 11 included some 23 units representing the US Air Force, Army, Navy, Marines and contingents from…
2016-03-16 By Robbin Laird The first of a two day conference on Air Power hosted by the Royal Australian Air Force featured a keynote presentation by the Minister of Defence. This represented her first major policy statement after the release of the White Paper and associated documents. For an American attending…
2016-03-16 By Robbin Laird The three Australian Service Chiefs – Air Marshal Davis (RAAF), Vice Admiral Tim Barrett (Royal Australian Navy) and Lieutenant General Angus J. Campbell, (Army) – provided a perspective on their services and the dovetailing of their efforts. http://www.airforce.gov.au/Our_People/Our_Leaders/Chief_of_Air_Force/?RAAF-cIPygzYc/Fwxxi5dCKVD3g8SFEpfUGXS http://www.navy.gov.au/biography/vice-admiral-tim-barrett http://www.army.gov.au/Our-people/Leaders/Chief-of-Army What was clear from the three presentations…