10/03/2015: On Sept. 7, the first F-35A assembled outside the US, made its very first flight from Cameri airbase. The aircraft, designated AL-1, is the first of eight aircraft currently being assembled at the Final Assembly and Check Out (FACO) facility at Cameri, in northwestern Italy. During the flight, that lasted about…
2015-09-24 By Robbin Laird The USMC is as integrated a force as exits as a 21st century combat force. They use their KC-130Js in a very flexible role supporting their air-ground-sea combat team. They have seen a major transformation with the coming of the Osprey, whereby they are the paired…
2015-09-20 By Robbin Laird In 2008, the USAF selected the Airbus A300MRTT tanker. It was a clear winner from the standpoint of what the USAF wanted from a tanker. But politics and the anomalies of the US acquisition process intruded and the next Administration picked a Boeing tanker, one which…
2015-09-25 The Danes are holding a 10-day Arctic exercise to train to support emergency operations. In an article published by the Danish Ministry of Defence on September 9, 2015, details were provided concerning the exercise. The purpose of the exercise is to train the Arctic Command in Nuuk to work…
2015-09-18 By Robbin Laird The Army has so hijacked the concept of jointness that the broader transformation of jointness being shaped by the evolution of the amphibious forces has escaped attention as precisely what it is – the transformation of joint capabilities. In broad terms, amphibious operations has shifted from…
09/23/2015: A Company of Army Commandos have parachuted out of three Air Force C-130 Hercules aircraft and dropped into the waters of Exmouth, Western Australia to fight and defeat a simulated enemy during the inaugural Australian Defence Force Exercise Northern Shield. The Special Forces contingent descended into Exmouth against the setting…
09/23/2015: Brisbane based soldiers from the Ready Combat Team have been bolstered by significant aviation support during Exercise Northern Shield. Hawk 127 jets and Tiger Armed Reconnaissance Helicopters (ARH) have been providing notional combat and close air support against a simulated enemy threat in Exmouth, Western Australia. During one exercise…
2015-09-22 By Robbin Laird During my visit to Australia in August 2015, I had a chance to talk with an experienced fighter pilot and squadron commander, and now commander of Air Combat Group about his time in Operation Okra and the way ahead for the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF).…