Iraq 2014: Not Repeating COIN

2014-08-10 By Robbin Laird and Ed Timperlake Iraq 2014 is not Iraq 2003. Following the invasion of Iraq and the overthrow of Saddam Hussein, the US started on the path of the reconstruction of the country. A key approach followed, notably in the surge and thereafter, a counter-insurgency or COIN…

Working the Tactics and Training of F-35Bs with VMFA-121: The Perspective of Maj Roger “HASMAT” Greenwood

2014-08-10 By Robbin Laird and Ed Timperlake Major Greenwood is one of the two MAWTS-1 officers involved with the F-35 and standing up the initial division within MAWTS to develop tactics and implement training for the new platform in order to integrate it into the MAGTF. The other is Major…