Osprey CASEVAC Exercise

02/23/2014: U.S. Marines and Navy Corpsmen with 2nd Marine Aircraft (Forward) conduct a casualty evacuation (CASEVAC) rehearsal from Helmand Province, Afghanistan on March 31, 2013. The rehearsal was executed in order to train and prepare Marines and Sailors for a real CASEVAC scenario.  The Osprey provides significant advantages versus helos for…

“Big Army” in Support of Air/Sea Battle: Don’t Meet the PLA Without a Clear Purpose

2014-02-23 by Ed Timperlake A top American military commander said Saturday that the United States Army was working to start a formal dialogue and exchange program with the Chinese People’s Liberation Army before the end of the year. General Odierno said Saturday that a formal high-level army-to-army exchange would be…

The Challenge of Dealing with PTSD: Capt. Joseph P. Schweitzer Comes to Terms with a Dramatic Accident

2014-02-19  Prologue by Ed Timperlake, US Naval Academy, Class 1969 Captain Schweitzer, actually the Mission Commander, not co-pilot, of an ill-fated mission provides a seminal discussion of the challenges and the approach to recovery from a horrible tragedy in Italy in 1998. He narrates his experience, with brutal honesty at the Naval Academy…

Russia Expands its Middle East Presence: The Saudis and UAE Prepare to Fund an Egyptian Arms Deal

2014-02-17 by defenceWeb Egypt is close to finalizing a $3 billion agreement for Russian arms financed by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates following a meeting between Egyptian army chief Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Russian President Vladimir Putin. The two leaders met in Moscow on February 13. Shortly afterwards,…

Shaping a 21st Century Korean Defense Strategy: Key Questions to Address

2014-02-02 By Ed Timperlake and Robbin Laird When President Obama announced a “Pivot to the Pacific,” the focus was really upon the United States and what it was going to do in the period ahead. But the US is simply part of a very dynamic and fluid defense and security…

RED FLAG 14 Aircraft Highlights

2014-02-14  Red Flag gives aircrews and air support operations service members from various airframes, military services and allied countries an opportunity to integrate and practice combat operations. More than 440,000 service members participated in RED FLAG since 1975, including more than 145,000 aircrew members flying more than 385,000 sorties and…