Using C-295s in Kazakhstan

2013-10-26 Kazakhstan is the first member of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) to buy the Airbus Military C-295s. CIS fleets are stocked with Ukrainian and Russian airlifters, so this is unusual. Recently, Kazakhstan announced that they would buy additional C-295s, which was already envisioned in the original agreement signed…

Islam and Iran’s Northern Front: Refocusing US Attention on Key Regional Interests

2013-10-26 by Richard Weitz Any genuine reconciliation between Iran and the United States would be welcome, but the recent focus on the nuclear issue obscures other sources of tension between the two governments, including the South Caucasus. Iran and the United States have been competing for influence in the region with…

The US Army Builds Out: For Africa

2013-10-25 by Oscar Nkala DefenceWeb 23 October 2013 The United States Africa Command (Africom) has awarded five major contracts for the supply and delivery of military equipment to Africa, including vehicles, tunnel detection systems and base infrastructure. Africom has awarded Bukkehave Inc of Fort Lauderdale a contract for the supply…

Cameri and the F-35: Building Out a New Manufacturing Facility

10/25/2013: Located on an Italian Air Force base used for logistics, the Italian government under the management of Alenia Aermacchi (AAeM) has built a 22 building facility to support the F-35 program.  The support comes in three parts. First, there is a Final Check Out and Assembly facility, for assembling Italy’s…

F-35B Twilight Operations

2013-10-19  The Integrated Test Force operates F-35B test aircraft aboard the USS Wasp at twilight in August 2013. The tests were a part of Developmental Test Phase Two for the F-35B STOVL variant. According to Lt. Col. Gillette, currently the X0 of the Squadron and in transition with the jet…

Israel and F-35 Production: Building New Pilot Helmets

2013-10-18 According to Israeli sources, Israel will build helmets for the F-35 program. An Israeli company has been selected to take part in manufacturing hi-tech helmets for pilots of the US F-35 stealth fighter, Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Yaalon said. He said in a statement that Elbit Systems and its…