2013-05-12 Over the past 50 years, we have become known for our successful solutions to motion control challenges that are viewed by others as impossible. This directly reflects the creativity, work ethic, and remarkable attention to purpose of our people. Moog is a leading supplier of integrated control actuation systems. We are continuously…
2013-05-10 The 31st MEU has been preparing for a regular Osprey deployment in the Pacific to operate with them. They are following a proven route which the East Coast Ospreys and MEU rolls outs followed in the past few years. During the past few months, 1st Marine Air Wing has provided…
2013-05-10 A key element of the impact of the F-35 is its combat systems. No combat system is more important on the aircraft than its ability to see 360 degrees around itself. This system is called the Distributed Aperture System or DAS. Now the DAS has come to Eglin with its…
2013-05-10 In an important policy statement, which seems to have moved rapidly off of the screen, Secretary of Defense Hagel re-enforced, in very specific ways, the U.S. support of Japan in the confrontation with China over disputed islands and in regard to the defense of Japan against North Korea. There…
2013-05-10 At the heart of the Australian strategic future is how to deal with China as an economic and military power? Clearly, the relationship with the United States is a key part of shaping a set of answers. But much will depend as well upon how the Chinese play out the…
2013-05-08 In a wrap-up interview with regard to Bold Alligator 2013, Rear Admiral Phillips, the 2nd ESG Commander, and Brigadier General Love, the 2nd MEB Commander, described the nature and impact of the USN-USMC and Coalition approach to shaping more effective and flexible sea base capabilities. According to one source:…
2013-05-08 Elizabeth City, North Carolina, is the key focal point for USCG aviation. Here maintenance and training of the fleet is crucial for USCG operations worldwide. A key element of the operation is the Aviation Technical Training Center (ATTC).. We visited the ATTC in 2010 and our full report can…
2013-05-08 by John Mearsheimer It is a great pleasure and an honor to be here today at the Army War College as the keynote speaker for the 24th Strategy Conference. I would like to thank General Cucolo for his kind introduction and for inviting me to speak. I would also…