Embedded GPS Could be Coming to Smaller and Smaller Systems

2013-01-30 By Brett Davis Unmanned aircraft the size of hummingbirds could one day sport GPS navigation capability, according to Rockwell Collins, which is developing tiny GPS systems with DARPA. DARPA's Dynamics Enabled Frequency Sources (DEFYS) program has created tiny electronic oscillators that Rockwell Collins is testing on GPS radios. “Never…

Taiwan and Beijing: Part 2

2013-01-30 By Richard Weitz In his inaugural address, Ma stated that there would be “no reunification, no independence, and no use of force.” During the campaign, Ma emphasized the need to revive the Taiwanese economy and advocated expanding social and economic ties with the Chinese mainland, including restoring direct communications, postal,…

Maritime Security Threats for 2013

2013-01-29 The latest issue of Strategic Insights provides a comprehensive look at some of the key maritime security threats for 2013. The forecasts presented in the new issue look at two types of risks for – or threats to – maritime operations: direct and indirect threats Firstly, there are the direct…

The F-35 Flight Test Program: 2012

2013-01-28 The F-35 flight test program ended a successful year in 2012.  We have interviewed many of the participants in the flight test program at Eglin AFB, Fort Worth and Yuma Arizona. The standup of the first F-35B squadron with the USMC is part of an overall innovation approach being…

The Challenge of Deterrence in the Second Nuclear Age: A Discussion with Paul Bracken

2013-01-28 Recently, Second Line of Defense sat down with Professor Paul Bracken to discuss his new book entitled The Second Nuclear Age. https://sldinfo.com/paul-bracken-on-the-second-nuclear-age/ The book is an important statement of the challenge of deterrence in a proliferating nuclear world, one in which Americans see less value in nuclear weapons, but…

France and Mali: What Role for Coalitions?

2013-01-27 According to a recent interview with a senior French military officer, the role of coalitions in shaping an effective approach was discussed. In the interview, the officer argued that an efficient command structure with a clear approach to engagement termination was central. He argued that NATO or EU command…