Taiwan and Beijing: Part I

2013-01-27 by Richard Weitz The Taiwan situation will remain an insuperable obstacle to better Sino-American ties if the past is prologue. What are those conflicting objectives? Beijing insists on exercising control over Taiwan. The Taiwanese people insist on their right to exercise their political autonomy. And Washington insists on providing…

Shaping the Way Ahead for Airpower: General Hostage Focuses on the Future

2013-01-24 Second Line of Defense and AOL Defense Board of Contributor Members Dr. Robbin Laird and Lt. General Dave Deptula USAF (Retired) sat down in mid December 2012 with General Mike Hostage, the Commander, Air Combat Command, with headquarters at Langley Air Force Base, Va. As the commander, he is…

Next Steps for F-35C

2013-01-23 When we visited Eglin to talk with pilots and maintainers of the F-35 at the Training Facility last August, we passed by the area where the USN is getting ready for its variant of the F-35. https://www.sldinfo.com/an-update-on-the-f-35-integrated-training-center-at-eglin-afb/ It is expected to come to the facility later this year, and…

Second F-35A Posts 500 Flight Hours

2013-01-23 According to a Lockheed Martin press release: AF-1, joined the 500 flight hour club recently during its 272nd flight. It joins AF-2 which passed the milestone June 26, 2012. The conventional takeoff and landing (CTOL) fighter begin flight operations when it made its inaugural flight Nov. 14, 2009. The…

Shaping Operational Flexibility: An Interview with Major General Owens

2013-01-20 Second Line of Defense had a chance to talk with Major General Christopher Owens, Commanding General, 1st MAW in mid-December towards the end of a major USMC exercise in the Pacific. http://www.1stmaw.marines.mil/ https://slsp.manpower.usmc.mil/gosa/biographies/rptBiography.asp?PERSON_ID=2072&PERSON_TYPE=General Second Line of Defense had a chance to talk with Major General Christopher Owens, Commanding General, 1st…