The Italian F-35 FACO: A Key Asset in the Global F-35 Support System

2012-12-05 We have written often about allies and their role in the F-35 program.  We have also written about the unique aspects of the impact of the F-35 as a fleet of aircraft.  And we have brought the two together in a discussion of evolving Pacific strategy and the potential…

The Evolving North Korean Missile Threat

2012-12-04 by Richard Weitz The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) already has sufficient missile capability to inflict major damage on U.S. interests in the Asia-Pacific region, as well as against U.S. allies such as Japan and South Korea. The DPRK has developed several ballistic missiles types, of varying ranges…

The Royal Australian Air Force Receives 5th Air Tanker

2012-12-03 Airbus military has delivered the last of its tankers under contract to the RAAF. An update on the Aussie tanker was recently discussed by a senior RAAF officer. Commodore Gary Martin, commander Air Lift Group, noted “This aircraft can take six fighters from Australia to the mainland United…

The USS Enterprise: The End of An Era and the USS America Opens the New One

2012-12-02 by Robbin Laird The ceremony to declare the USS Enterprise inactive was held yesterday. After a glorious career, and after shaping many innovations in Naval history, the USS Enterprise enters into history. [caption id="attachment_48170" align="alignnone" width="300"] USS Enterprise over the years. Graphic Credit: Huntington Ingalls  [/caption] It is an…

First Flight of Neuron UCAV

2012-12-02 The first flight of the jointly developed European UAV was seen this week. [caption id="attachment_48186" align="alignnone" width="300"] First flight of jointly developed European UAV. Credit: Alenia[/caption] According to an Alenia press release from December 1, 2012: The nEUROn, the first European technology demonstrator for an Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle (UCAV),…