Temco Tool in Manchester has been working with BAE Systems in Nashua on the F-35 since 2001. The high-precision machine shop produces antenna arrays and other finely engineered components for the stealth aircraft designed to be the fighter jet for the new millennium. Over the decade, the contracts have added…
2012-11-14 by Richard Weitz The PRC-DPRK relationship is no longer based primarily on ideology but relies more on overlapping national interests and mutual economic ties. Chinese policy makers continue to take steps to avert state failure in North Korea and counter other possible sources of chaos on the Korean peninsula.…
2012-11-14 by Richard Weitz The August 2008 Georgia War created an opening for Serdyukov and his team to pursue more radical military reforms. In addition to inadequate communications and other technical problems with defense equipment, these shortcomings included cumbersome command arrangements, low unit readiness, and poor leadership throughout the chain…
2012-11-13 by Richard Weitz Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decision last week to remove Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov, Chief of Staff Army-General Nikolai Makarov, and other senior Russian defense officials and officers is an important development. And it could have a major impact on Russia’s military reform program as well as…
2012-11-12 In a four-part follow up set of interviews, Second Line of Defense is looking at the role and impact of the USS America. Interviews have been conducted with the prospective commander of the ship, the head of amphibious ship building in the USN, a senior USMC general on its…
With the F-35B Joint Strike Fighter scheduled to begin arriving in phases later this fall, Marine Corps Air Station Yuma has been a very busy place the past two years as it has prepared for its new aircraft, pilots and crews. Lt. Col. John Hicks, airfield operations officer, said there…
2012-11-12 In late October 2012, Second Line of Defense sat down with Mr. Jim Strock, Director Seabasing Integration Division and members of his Connectors and Doctrine (C&D) Branch at the Marine Corps Combat Development Command MCCDC), Quantico, VA to discuss the expected role of the Joint High Speed Vessel (JHSV)…
2012-11-11 by Richard Weitz The close alignment between Seoul and Washington in recent years has reinforced Beijing’s caution about breaking with the DPRK. The PRC and South Korea established formal diplomatic relations in 1992. Since then, their economic exchanges have soared, with China overtaking the United States as the ROK’s main…