2012-11-10 by Richard Weitz In spite of a common threat, South Korea and Japan have struggled to present a united front against that threat. South Korea and Japan both face a common military threat from North Korea, made evident most recently by the DPRK artillery strike against Yeonpyeong Island in…
11/8/12 Japan will allow domestic firms to take part in production of the F-35 fighter, the first such case since Tokyo last year relaxed a self-imposed ban on arms exports, a report said Thursday. Japanese firms will make up to 40 per cent of parts that will be used in…
11/7/12 Japan and the United States are close to finalizing the workshare arrangement supporting the production of Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter aircraft for the Japan Air Self-Defence Force. A spokesman from the Japan Ministry of Defence (MoD) told IHS Jane's on 31 October that the two…
2012-11-09 by Richard Weitz The PRC has pursed both condemnations of North Korean policies with concerted support for North Korea that effectively undercuts the ability of outside powers to make that condemnation real. And the PRC as a major developer and exporter of missiles for the global market, de facto,…
11/6/12 A team of Israeli air force personnel visited Bethesda-based Lockheed Martin Corp.'s Fort Worth facility in Texas as part of preparations for an initial batch of 20 F-35A Joint Strike Fighters due to receive some Israeli-made systems, Flightglobal reports. Israeli experts are working with the manufacturer to prepare the…
Airbus Military has focused for some time on ways to harvest the legacy of CASA to shape a more global strategy. The historical relationship with Indonesia has provided a very good launch point for such an effort. CASA has a long history of working with Indonesia and has more recently…
2012-11-08 By Robbin Laird Many analysts and politicians have discussed the F-35 as if it was a simple replacement aircraft. And in such conversations, the notion of stealth is seen as a high-end capability needed only sparingly and in specialized circumstances. If this were true, the Marines would not be…
Nov. 6, 2012 Northrop Grumman Corporation has entered a long-term agreement (LTA) with the advanced composites manufacturer Terma A/S in Denmark to manufacture component parts for the international F-35 Lightning II program. The LTA, which has a potential value of more than $97 million upon completion of all follow-on options,…