Preventing Nuclear Terrorism – The Quest for Realistic Policy Tools?

By Richard Weitz “Global Nuclear Security and Preventing Nuclear Terrorism” was the subject of an April 6 expert panel at the National Press Club. The speakers noted some progress in this area but considered the recent Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul inadequately ambitious to meet this problem. Yet, the solution…

Preventing Nuclear Terrorism: How Useful are Nuclear Summits?

By Richard Weitz One of the useful innovations of the Obama administration was to convene meetings of senior national leaders to focus their attention on what both the Bush and Obama administrations have called the number one threat to U.S. security -- the possibility that terrorists will use acquire and…

How to build a Nike perspective for rebuilding the post-Afghanistan US military?

The Nike perspective – Just Do It – is the appropriate perspective to re-building the US military after Afghanistan.  Make no bones about it, a major cultural shift and re-orientation is required. One can take the approach of debating at 50,000 feet whilst doing nothing practical to rebuild the force,…

China: Hard Landing and Turbulent Political Transition?

By. Dr. Harald Malmgren China’s exports of high labor content, low value added manufactures are no longer internationally competitive. A shift in export orientation to lower labor content, higher value added manufactured exports will take time measured in years.  A shift in export priority to infrastructure projects in the Third…

Super Tucano, the US and the Global Fighter Market

by Francis Tusa One has to assume that Boeing is shaking its corporate head in dismay, as its chances of a deal to sell the F/A-18E/F to Brazil took a nose dive. The key thing that has affected the aircraft’s chances has been the abrupt cancellation of the deal for…

The Evolving Indian Defense Market: An Analysis of the Opportunities

We are offering a report which looks at the evolution of the Indian defense industry and market opportunities for outside firms.  This report offers insights into the market opportunities and entry strategies adopted by foreign OEMs (original equipment manufacturers) to gain a market share in the Indian defense industry. The…

Knowing You Better and Liking You Less: South Korea and China

A key element of the evolving Asian situation is the relationships among the Asians themselves which has little to do with the United States.  Unfortunately, Inside the Beltway usually debates the US approach to China as if it is the only or even key definer of reality in the Pacific. …