“Heading Fair”

An Exclusive Interview with the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Reported by George Talbot   [caption id="attachment_23671" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Adm. Mark P. Fitzgerald, commander of U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa, right, escorts Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Gary Roughead to an all-hands call at Naval Support Activity Naples. Credit: USN Visual…

Trouble Busters: The Agile Response Group in Action

09/06/2011 By Maj. General Tim Hanifen, Rear Adm. Sinclair Harris and Robert Holzer Global demand for amphibious forces outstrips resources. When a crisis erupts the first question U.S. leaders often ask is, “Where are the aircraft carriers?” This historical axiom, however, has expanded over time and now regional commanders also…

Getting it Right for the Battle-Hardened I-Pad Generation

09/06/2011 by Ed Timperlake On Monday November 8, 2010 the Southern Chester Weekly (Pa.) published an obituary for a fallen Marine. “William McCurdy DeMarino, 20, died suddenly on October 24, 2010, in an automobile accident where he was stationed in North Carolina. He was serving as a Lance Corporal in…

US Marines Aboard the French Warship FNS Tonnerre

09/05/2011 A recent French Navy video highlights the USMC landing on a French BPC.  The French and the USN-USMC team demonstrated in the Libyan operations the value of flexible basing, using land and sea to project power.  This is a core lesson learned going forward. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xgbspu_us-marines-onboard-fns-tonnerre_news [caption id="attachment_23675" align="aligncenter" width="300"…

Better Homeland Defenses Needed Against EMP Threat

By Dr. Richard Weitz 09/04/2011 - An electromagnetic pulse (EMP) is a high-intensity burst of electromagnetic energy caused by the rapid acceleration of charged particles. Once the pulse reaches electronic devices, it disables, damages, or destroys them. An electromagnetic bomb (E-bomb), the deliberate creation of EMP for attacking targets, represents…