Next Generation Autonomous Systems: An Australian Perspective

On April 8, 2021, the Williams Foundation held its latest seminar, one that was originally scheduled for March 2020. It was an in person conference for Australians, but we will be highlight the seminar in a report on the conference as well as providing presentations as well as interviews with…

Shaping a 21st Century U.S. Navy: The Perspective from Second Fleet

By Robbin Laird and Ed Timperlake The advantage of visiting two startup commands – C2F and Allied JFC Norfolk – under one Vice Admiral is that one can see how the 21st century navy is being shaped.  We started our March visit by meeting with VADM Lewis’s Chief of Staff…

The Marines Work F-35B in Expeditionary Warfare Training

Multiple F-35B Lightning II's with Marine Fighter Attack Squadron (VMFA) 122, Marine Aircraft Group 13, 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing, conduct vertical landings at Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, Arizona, April 6, 2021. 3rd MAW and I Marine Expeditionary Force continue to pave the road for the rest of the Marine…

Danish Air Force Receives First F-35: A Key Building Block for Defense Transformation

On April 7, Denmark's first F-35A, L-001, was delivered to the Royal Danish Air Force. The Kingdom of Denmark commemorated the milestone with members of the Ministry of Defence, Danish Defence, the Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization, the Royal Danish Air Force, U.S. Military Services, and industry partners at…

The Strategic Shift and the Role of Airpower: A Discussion with Ben Lambeth

By Robbin Laird I have been focused for several years on what I see as a clear and dramatic shift from how civilians and the military have looked at the land wars in the Middle East to now dealing with adversaries who have built forces for contested operations across the…

Allied Joint Forces Command Norfolk: The Uber Command

By Robbin Laird and Ed Timperlake As NATO continues to work its capabilities as an alliance going forward, the common operating procedure protocols, and communication systems provide a 21st Century information based framework for each individual nation to work more effectively together. This also will allow as well for non-NATO…

The U.S. Navy Launches its Unmanned Campaign Framework: The Challenge of Leveraging the Low-Hanging Fruit

By Robbin Laird Recently, the Department of the Navy released, on March 16, 2021, its unmanned systems campaign framework. As Admiral Gilday, Chief of Navy Operations, commented in his forward to the document: As the Navy adapts to an increasingly complex security environment, it is imperative that we understand what…