The Obama Administration Approach to Meeting Missile Defense Threats

2013-04-07 by Richard Weitz The Barack Obama administration’s missile defense policy presents both elements of change and continuity with the plans set out by the previous George W. Bush presidency. The main change is that the administration has deemphasized near-term efforts to develop and apply revolutionary BMD technologies and instead has…

How Many of Those “Cold War” Weapons Can You Send Me, NOW?

2013-04-04 by Ed Timperlake Recent events centered in Washington have perfectly captured the difficulty of politically protecting America.  No enemy should ever discount the skill, training and weapons of the American military. U.S. soldiers, sailors airman and marines and their leaders in the field, instinctually grasp exactly what General Patton…

Japan and the Chinese Challenge

2013-04-02 In a report published in 2012, the Japanese Institute for Defense Studies provided an overview of the evolving challenge posed by how the Chinese are pursuing their defense and security efforts.  The report is the third in a series and focuses upon Chinese decision-making and policy coordination involving the…

The Missile Defense Challenge from Iran

2013-03-30 by Richard Weitz Many questions remain regarding the actual capability of Iran’s ballistic missile program, especially the range and accuracy of the missiles, how rapidly Iran could arm them with a nuclear warhead, and Tehran’s intentions and strategy regarding the possible use of these missiles. However, Iran clearly possesses…