Nagorno-Karabakh: Azerbaijan’s Strategic Lodestar

2012-10-07 by Richard Weitz A defining feature of Azerbaijan’s foreign policy since independence has been its territorial dispute with its western neighbor Armenia. Both fought a brutal war in the early 1990s over a region called Nagorno-Karabakh. The conflict continues to fester, as Nagorno-Karabakh’s status remains uncertain and both nations…

Nuclear Security Summits under Review: The Obama Administration Perspective

2012-10-07 by Richard Weitz The 2012 Moscow Nonproliferation Conference devoted an entire session to the issue of “Strengthening Nuclear Security,” which focused on the progress achieved by the first two nuclear security summits and what issues remained for the 2014 nuclear security summit (NSS) and beyond. In that regard, the…

The Changing Balance of Power in Space

2012-10-06 by Robbin Laird It is not surprising that the US's position in global space is declining. With an uncertain space policy, and conflicting priorities in space investments, the US lead in space would be under challenge. And the rise of other space powers, an inevitable process, is altering the…

The Georgian Transition: Challenges in the Period Ahead

2012-10-05 by Richard Weitz By acknowledging his party’s defeat in Monday’s parliamentary elections, President Mikhail Saakashvili has ensured his positive reputation in Georgian history. The first peaceful and legal transfer of power between opposing political forces has occurred in Georgia’s history. As the birthplace of Stalin, this is no mean accomplishment.…

Russian Radars and Global Politics: American Legitimization of Russian Military Presence?

2012-10-03 by Richard Weitz According to the Russian media, the Azerbaijani government is about to renew Russia’s lease of a radar station at Gabala in Azerbaijan. The station, built in 1985, can detect missile launches at a distance up to 6,000 kilometers, or much of the Middle East. The became…

Japan in a Nuclear Weapons Neighborhood

2012-10-01 By Richard Weitz Japanese-U.S. security ties have experienced recurring Japanese worries about strategic abandonment by Washington. Such concerns could be realized either as part of a general U.S. strategic disengagement from East Asian security issues, or by obtaining a denuclearization deal with North Korea, or by deepening ties with…