2012-10-09 by Richard Weitz We are now entering the twelfth year of U.S. involvement in the Afghanistan War, with the United States suffering its 2,000th military death earlier this month. On October 7, 2001, the U.S. military first invaded Afghanistan to topple the Taliban. This year at least 257 Americans have…
2012-10-09 In a new book, Second Line of Defense provides a broad overview on the evolution of air mobility. Air power is increasingly about integration of air assets into the full spectrum of military and security operations. The book is a compilation of interviews that have been published on the Second Line…
2012-10-08 By Richard Weitz At the 2012 Moscow Nonproliferation Conference, most attention on bringing the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) into force focused on how to secure U.S. ratification of the treaty. The participants from other countries found it convenient to blame Washington’s stubbornness for the CTBT’s failure to enter…
2012-10-08 By Richard Weitz Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao’s recent trip to Europe designed to secure the removal of the U.S. arms embargo on China is but the latest example of Beijing’s efforts to prevent Europe from supporting U.S. efforts to manage China’s rise. It also provides an opportunity to assess…
2012-10-08 by Richard Weitz Azerbaijan shares extensive historical and cultural ties with Iran. In addition to about 500 miles of border, the two countries share common religious and ethnic ties. Both Iran and Azerbaijan have majority Shiite Muslim populations, in contrast to most Muslims in the world, who belong to…
2012-10-08 by Richard Weitz The North Korean nuclear threat and the growing power of China in the region – with a solid growth in nuclear weapons as well – provides a continual test for the U.S. nuclear guarantee for Japan. Thus far, the situation in Korea has not resulted in a…
2012-10-07 by Thomas Enders, CEO EADS Not so long ago, the aviation industry pushed the boundaries of technology. Microprocessor capacity grew to meet our needs. We didn’t just drive aeronautics; we drove a whole raft of new innovation. Today, the average games console has more capability than some single-aisle aircraft,…
2012-10-07 by Richard Weitz A defining feature of Azerbaijan’s foreign policy since independence has been its territorial dispute with its western neighbor Armenia. Both fought a brutal war in the early 1990s over a region called Nagorno-Karabakh. The conflict continues to fester, as Nagorno-Karabakh’s status remains uncertain and both nations…