Revisiting the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty: An Agenda Item for the Next Administration

2012-09-24 By Richard Weitz A major subject of discussion at the 2012 Moscow Nonproliferation Conference was the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT). Whether to ratify the treaty will also be an issue for the next U.S. presidential administration. The CTBT prohibits all nuclear explosions, whether for military or other purposes, in…

The Challenge of Collaborative Defense Procurement: Japanese and American Perspectives

2012-09-24 By Richard Weitz Despite recent efforts to enhance international cooperation on defense industrial issues, American companies that attempt to enter the Japanese defense market directly continue to complain about such recurring problems as bureaucratic impediments, language barriers, and the limited availability of post-sale repair and maintenance services. As a…

“Iran is Not on the Path to Nuclear Arms”: The View from Moscow on Nuclear Disarmament

2012-09-23 by Richard Weitz Given the statements of the Russian speakers at the 2012 Moscow Nonproliferation Conference, Moscow is laying down some tough if often understandable conditions for making further progress in nuclear arms control. Thanks to the Carnegie Corporation in New York, I had the opportunity to attend and…

Japan and Global Defense Industrial Cooperation

2012-09-23 by Richard Weitz Japan’s “Three Principles on Arms Exports” have also constrained the development of its domestic defense industry. The Japanese government adopted these comprehensive restrictions on the export of military equipment in 1967 to affirm the country’s renunciation of militarism. At the time, they prohibited Japanese companies from…

A Bright Civil Nuclear Future: The View from Moscow

2012-09-22 by Richard Weitz At the 2012 Moscow Nonproliferation Conference, organized by the Center for Energy and Security Studies (CENESS),Nikolai Spassky, Deputy Director-General of the State Corporation on Atomic Energy ‘Rosatom’, enlightened us attendees as to the civil nuclear energy plans of the Russian Federation. Although Spassy was perhaps too…

The Japanese Approach to Defense Procurement

2012-09-20 By Richard Weitz Japan’s defense procurement policy maintains a desire for autonomy, corporate nurturing, and technology diffusion. Although it is somewhat more open to arms exports and collaborating with foreign companies than in the past, defense procurement still suffers from two grave defects. First, the high degree of protectionism…