Remembering Pearl Harbor the PRC Way

December 7, 2011 by Ed Timperlake President Hu of the Peoples Republic of China sounds “General Quarters” on the eve of Pearl Harbor Day in calling for the PLAN to make ready for combat and the US response is a call for “Transparency”. [caption id="attachment_31072" align="alignleft" width="230" caption="Inside the Beltway…

Help Us Find C-123 Veterans

12/5/2011 by Ed Timperlake Through a coincidence of timing and chance I recently met a retired USAF officer who has never forgotten the aviators’ duty to take care of one’s aircrew. He visited the Washington DC DAV Office, spreading the word about fellow Air Force flyers in distress due to…

Russian Intelligence on the Rebound

12/5/2011 by Richard Weitz Russian news media hinted darkly the foreign governments and their agent were seeking to influence yesterday’s parliamentary elections. The accusations of spies being involved in the election process were correct, but the spies were working for the Russian government. One of the duties of the Russian…

US Joins Russia in Suspending Adherence to Conventional Weapons Treaty

[caption id="attachment_12920" align="alignleft" width="150" caption=" "][/caption] By Dr. Richard Weitz 12/02/2011 - The United States announced recently that it would stop sharing data with Russia under the Conventional Forces in Europe (CFE) Treaty. In announcing the decision, State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland noted that Russia had suspended its participation in…

Afghan-Pakistan Border Incidents: The Underlying Problem

11/27/2011 By Richard Weitz Pakistan and the United States have experienced their most serious incident along the Afghan-Pak border. According to Pakistani sources, confirmed by NATO, U.S. helicopters acting as part of NATO’s International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan attacked a military checkpoint in northwest Pakistan on Saturday, killing…

Putin Seeks Arctic Riches

By Dr. Richard Weitz 11/27/2011 - Given the importance that Putin assigns to maintaining control of Russia’s energy resources, it is unsurprising that he has already outlined have ambitious goals to develop Arctic hydrocarbon resources in coming years. Geological experts believe that the Arctic holds more than 22% of the…