Lessons from Broken Japanese Supply Chains

07/11/2011 By Dr Harald Malmgren Some analysts are forecasting a capital spending rebound in Japan as businesses “rebuild” after the Great Earthquake of March, 2011.  I believe a new wave of Japanese corporate investment is likely – but it is not evident where such investment will take place, whether at…

How to Make USCG Modernization Unaffordable

07/08/2011 Recently on AOL Defense, Michael W. Jones argued that maintenance costs are eating the modernization budgets in DOD.  Jones argues that a key need to is to buy for affordability by “smart budgeting.” Fortunately, there is a proven path forward for reducing ownership costs - while maintaining, if not…

Eurofighters, F-15s and Japan

07/07/2011 - The Eurofighter has been down selected for the Indian competition and clearly the Eurofighter consortium hopes to replicate its success in Japan.  F-22 was a clear candidate for Japan, but the Administration preferred cancelling the program. The F-35 is clearly on the table as a U.S. offering, but…

Panetta At The Helm

By Dr. Richard Weitz 07/07/2011 - Notwithstanding his achievements during his more than four years as Defense Secretary, Robert Gates left some unfinished tasks for his successor, Leon Panetta.He has many tough challenges ahead. The Senate’s 100-to-0 vote in favor of Panetta’s confirmation showed strong confidence in Panetta’s ability to…

Extended Deterrence and Assurance in Korea

Extended Deterrence and Assurance in Korea By Dr. Richard Weitz 07/06/2011 - The growing nuclear threat from the North Korea, the rising power of China, and the Obama administration’s policy of generally de-emphasizing the role of nuclear weapons in world politics has led some South Korean security experts to question…

The Non-Reluctant Arctic Power: Russia and the Arctic

07/03/2011 The Arctic is a key strategic area, and fundamental to the energy and resource foundation for 21st century growth.  And the US is lacking core capabilities to operate in the region, but we will hold off investing in core capabilities. What seems to be missing is the Pentagon study,…

Russia Signs Deal with France for Warships

News Brief By Kirsten Ashbaugh 06/27/2011 - Russia has signed a long-expected agreement with France to buy two Mistral-class warships in a US$1.7 billion (€1.2 billion) contract.  Anatoly Isaikin, director of the state-controlled arms exporter Rosoboronexport, and Patrick Boissier, president and CEO of the shipbuilder DCNS that will construct the…