The Latin American Challenge and Shaping a Realistic Way Ahead

By Stephen Blank The revelation that President Trump has seriously considered the desirability of invading Venezuela ought to focus our attention on that unhappy country and others like it in Latin America. While Venezuela’s crisis is an extreme manifestation of the kleptocratic autocracies masquerading under the socialist or Chavista sobriquet…

The Russians and the Nordics: Intimidation Deflected by Mobilization

By Robbin Laird Putin has clearly focused on expanding Russian influence in the areas of strategic interest to Russia. While the United States has diffused its efforts with an over emphasis on stability operations and counter-insurgency in the Middle East, the Russians have focused on their core interests and how…

The UK Defense Spending Debate: Will the Brits Fund Their Defense Modernization Strategy?

By Robbin Laird The UK is in the throes of a major defense modernization. And like the United States, beginning a process of change is one thing, but funding the modernization process through to getting maximum effect is another. The UK faces financial challenges associated with Brexit and an uncertain…

UK Defense, European Defense and Brexit: Note 4

With Britain sorting out Brexit and the European states facing an uncertain future over the way ahead with regard to the structure of Europe itself, defense becomes a vortex for both continuity and change. On the one hand, President Macron has been reaching out to include Britain in the future…

The European Political Crisis: The Impact of Germany

By Harald Malmgren Next week the European Union will hold a key summit. But that summit is being defined by and overshadowed by the political changes throughout key European states. The crisis in Germany is especially central to the fate of the summit. In late May and in the early…

The Certainty of Uncertainty: Brazil and Its Fall Presidential Elections

By Kenneth Maxwell With the Presidential election in Brazil due this October the country remains profoundly split between uncompromising extremes. And the political scene remains highly uncertain. Hovering in the background is the figure of the ex-president of Brazil, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, better known as Lula. He is…

Indian Naval Agreement with Seychelles Cancelled

by Oscar Nkala, Seychelles President Danny Faure says his government has cancelled the security cooperation agreement signed early this year for the establishment of an Indian naval base on the remote island of Assumption. Addressing the media during his second presidential conference of 2018 on June 8, President Faure said the…