The Standup of the Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats: Shaping a Way Ahead

By Robbin Laird (Updated) With the all the focus on the Russian intervention in the last US presidential elections, it is useful to take a broader view of the challenge focused by the new technologies and approaches. During my recent visit to Helsinki,  a visit the European Centre of Excellence…

The Icebreaker Gap: Shaping a Way Ahead to Deal with the Challenge

We have written for years about the impact of the decline of the icebreaker force in the USCG on US Arctic policy. We referred to the US as the "reluctant Arctic power." In our interview with the USCG Commandant Admiral Paul Zukunft we focused on the need to shift policy…

SAREX 2017: Royal Canadian Air Force

02/19/2018: "A year’s worth of planning has come to fruitition. We started off the exercise with a para accuracy event that challenged our SAR techs at hitting a marked target. We moved into Monday where we did a major air disaster exercise where a number of agencies from 8 Wing produced a scenario that really stressed…

Ocean Sentry Reaches 100,000 Flight Hours: A Key USCG Achievement

2017-09-25 Several years ago we visited a key USCG air base where the new Ocean Sentry patrol aircraft had just arrived for service. We have reposted that interview done in 2010 below. But fast forward to 2017, and that aircraft has now reached a flight hour milestone. In a ceremony…

USCGC Healy Prepares for Arctic Deployment

2017-07-20 The crew of the Coast Guard Cutter Healy, a 420-foot Medium Icebreaker homeported in Seattle, conducts a shakedown cruise around the Puget Sound, May 22, 2017. As part of Healy's preparations for their Arctic West Summer 2017 deployment, they conducted flight operations with an aircrew from Coast Guard Sector Field…

Airbus Shapes a New Business Model for the C295: Expand the Global Fleet Through Working with a Leasing Company

2017-07-13 By Robbin Laird The C295 has become a global asset. With nearly 200 aircraft already sold and operating worldwide, the C295 is gaining traction as a global aircraft. This is in significant contrast to the C-27J, which has been purchased by a much smaller number of nations and therefore…