Cybersecurity: Emerging Partnerships

by Richard Weitz Cybersecurity is an inherently interagency process requiring a “whole-of-government” approach. The head of the National Security Agency (NSA), Gen. Keith Alexander, has called cybersecurity “a team sport” requiring effective partnerships among Government agencies, the private sector, foreign allies and others. Loss of U.S. critical information networks could…

The Emergence of the Cyber Militia

By Richard Weitz Despite the popularity of terrorist cyber attacks in the movies, nation states rather than non-state actors such as terrorist or criminal groups currently pose the greatest cyberthreat. For example, the Crisis and Risk Network provides the following threat ranking, from most serious to least serious (1) State-sponsored…

Cybersecurity Threats: An Update

By Richard Weitz In its review of the "World Wide Threats Facing the United States" earlier this year, the Intelligence Community described attacks on the United States through the Internet as potentially the most serious threat facing Americans. Many members of Congress receiving the three sets of hearings in these…

The Emergence of Very Large Cargo Ships: Another Contribution to “Gapsmanship”

By Robbin Laird There are several new elements of the evolving global maritime transportation system, which place increasing demand on the providers of maritime security.  Among those dynamics are: Deeper offshore drilling (such as the Arctic), Very large cruise ships (which are tax the ability to provide safety and security),…

Saudi Arms Deal Fortifies US Regional Security Ties

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="150" caption=" "][/caption] By Dr. Richard Weitz 01/08/2011 - The U.S. Government’s Conventional Arms Transfer Policy requires that major sales advance U.S. national interests, are consistent with the recipient country’s legitimate security needs, and support U.S. regional security objectives. The sales to Saudi Arabia are widely supported…

China and the North Korean Succession

By Dr. Richard Weitz 01/07/2011 - The international community has looked to the People’s Republic of China (PRC) to influence the North Korean succession process in ways that help end the protracted dispute over Pyongyang’s nuclear program and other threatening behavior. The PRC is North Korea’s most important foreign diplomatic,…

Beyond Putinism

[caption id="attachment_12920" align="alignleft" width="150" caption=" "][/caption] By Dr. Richard Weitz 12/14/2011 - Recent Russian elections have identified several weaknesses in Russia’s political system, but not the means solve them. Russia is experiencing its own unexpected Arab Spring, though the system should survive and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin is likely to…