By Robbin Laird I had the chance recently to meet with LtGen Heckl, the Commanding General, Marine Corps Combat Development Command, and the Deputy Commandant for Combat Development and Integration, at his office in Quantico. He is retiring from the USMC this month, so this is my exit interview with…
By Robbin Laird This is our 15th year of publishing. Next year, we are publishing a book highlighting our analyses of that 15-year period. We have seen a dramatic change from the 1990s where the United States was in a pole position to re-shape the world and craft a way…
By Air Vice-Marshal John Blackburn AO (Retd) and Group Captain Anne Borzycki (Retd) Australia has a lengthy history of seeking protection from great and powerful western saviours due to a long-held fear of invasion from "the north." Stunned by the withdrawal of British Forces following the surrender of Singapore in…
By Robbin Laird RSL Australia has recently released a paper by John Blaxland of the Australian National University which underscores the need for a broader Australian national defence strategy rather than one narrowly focused on the Australian Defence Force. “The Returned & Services League of Australia (RSL Australia) was formed…
By Richard Weitz The Ukraine War and other recent conflicts highlight the imperative of preserving U.S. air superiority. Ukraine demonstrates the challenges militaries face when they do not enjoy air superiority. In that conflict, advanced drones have provided the most effective combat air support for both the Russian and Ukrainian…
We have published our latest book on Australian defence. This book is the second in the series on Australian Defence and Deterrence the first having been published in 2023. The book begins with a contribution by John Blackburn and Anne Borzycki who look at the broad impact of Australian politics…
By Robbin Laird On May 14, 2024, I visited 2nd Marine Air Wing to have the opportunity to speak with the Commanding General of the Wing, MajGen Scott Benedict. This was two days before the change of command and his subsequent retirement after a distinguished career in the Marine Corps…
By Robbin Laird I have been coming to Australia since 2014 to participate in and write the seminar reports for the Sir Richard Williams Foundation. What started out as a Foundation focusing primarily on airpower has transitioned over that period to focusing on shaping the ADF as an integrated force,…