By Gulshan Luthra New Delhi. The Indian Navy is looking at futuristic, manned and unmanned ships, submarines and aircraft, says Admiral KB Singh. In an interview with India Strategic, the Navy Chief said that acquisition order for US General Atomics SeaGuardians with high Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) capability is on…
The Minister of Defense of Japan, Mr. Kono Taro, and Australian Minister for Defence, Senator Linda Reynolds, committed to driving bilateral defence cooperation forward during Minister Reynolds’ first official visit to Tokyo on 20 November 2019. They emphasized that as Indo-Pacific security dynamics became more challenging, the strategic logic underpinning…
By Robbin Laird In the United States, we have tweeting Trump and the impeaching House of Representatives; in Europe they have Macronite. We have had and continue to have a significant deluge of comments on President Trump and his approach to foreign policy with little that has a positive tinge…
By Robbin Laird A week after the completion of the October 24, 2019 Williams Foundation Seminar, I had a chance to talk with Air Marshal (Retired) Geoff Brown about the main findings from the Seminar and the way ahead for the Seminar series. Question: What do you consider the main…
By Marcus Hellyer One of the ironies of the current debate about how Australia should adjust its military strategy in light of the changing great-power balance in the Indo-Pacific is that many of the participants—regardless of their views on the future of US military power—make similar recommendations, namely, that Australia…
By Robbin Laird To achieve the kind of agility and decisive effect which 5th generation maneouver can achieve requires a significant re-focus on the nature of the C2 and ISR infrastructure. Such an evolved infrastructure enables the legacy and new platforms which are re-shaping capabilities for the combat force to…
By Robbin Laird The Williams Foundation Seminar held on October 24, 2019 focused on the requirements of fifth generation manoeuvre. At this session, the focus was upon the changing nature of the regional context for Australia and how the fifth generation force needed to evolve to operate effectively in the…
By Robbin Laird At the recently concluded Williams Foundation Seminar held in Canberra, Australia on October 24, 2019, the series launched in 2013 to discuss the nature and impact of fifth generation force capabilities in the defense of Australia and its capabilities to work with core allies continued. At this…