2016-03-16 By Robbin Laird The first of a two day conference on Air Power hosted by the Royal Australian Air Force featured a keynote presentation by the Minister of Defence. This represented her first major policy statement after the release of the White Paper and associated documents. For an American attending…
2016-03-16 By Robbin Laird The three Australian Service Chiefs – Air Marshal Davis (RAAF), Vice Admiral Tim Barrett (Royal Australian Navy) and Lieutenant General Angus J. Campbell, (Army) – provided a perspective on their services and the dovetailing of their efforts. http://www.airforce.gov.au/Our_People/Our_Leaders/Chief_of_Air_Force/?RAAF-cIPygzYc/Fwxxi5dCKVD3g8SFEpfUGXS http://www.navy.gov.au/biography/vice-admiral-tim-barrett http://www.army.gov.au/Our-people/Leaders/Chief-of-Army What was clear from the three presentations…
2016-03-02 Recently, our colleague Col. "Jeep" Willi from the Joint Airpower Competence Center (JAPCC) brought to our attention a new journal which in part will be dealing with the information warfare being practiced and refined by the global competitors of the US and its allies. ‘Defence Strategic Communications’ is a…
2016-02-26 By Robbin Laird The Australian government has recently released a new Defense White Paper along with two accompanying documents, a defense industrial policy statement as well as defense integrated investment program. Together, these documents express the concern with the dynamics of change in the region and beyond, and Australia’s’…
2016-02-22 By Robbin Laird As the United States faces a new Administration and with the resurgent Russians reshaping their place in the world, it will be crucial to shape a real policy towards deterrence of Russia. We have gone way beyond the reset button; and face a significant deterioration not…
2016-02-25 The Joint Air Power Competence Center or JPACC is based in Germany and was formed and focused on helping NATO member nations shape more effective airpower solutions for 21st century challenges. According to its website: The Joint Air Power Competence Centre (JAPCC) was formed on 1 January 2005 to…
2016-02-25 As we look at the evolution of airpower, and its evolving role in military operations, we have argued that they can form the backbone for the insertion of force, properly calibrated, effects achieved and withdrawn. Evolving concepts of operations under the influence of technology are clearly changing the ways…
2016-02-21 By Kenneth Maxwell Lord Thomas Cochrane after founding the Chilean navy, and guaranteeing the independence of Chile by audacious naval action along the Pacific coast, was invited in 1823 by D. Pedro, the son of the Portuguese monarch, who had declared the independence of Brazil from Portugal, to command the new Brazilian navy with the rank…