Shaping a 21st Century Pacific Force: Perspectives from PACFLEET

2015-08-19 By Robbin Laird In my last piece based on my time with MARFORPAC and PACFLEET, I want to highlight some perspectives gained from talking with four members of the PACFLEET staff. I had a chance to talk with an learn for four senior members of the PACFLEET staff in…

Plan Jericho Workshop, Canberra, Australia: The RAAF Focuses on Joint Combat Transformation

08/07/2015: When former Chief of Staff of the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) launched Plan Jericho, he underscored that the core opportunity, which the F-35 provided for the RAAF and the Australian defense forces, is opening up an era of continuous transformation. In his presentation, February 23, 2015 to the…