2015-02-10 The annual Nordic-Baltic Chief of defence meeting was conducted in Norway 29th and 30th January this year. The purpose of this annual meeting is to discuss regional challenges and to identify common opportunities. Topics beeing discussed are military developments concerning equipment, training, exercises and operations. Among this years topics…
2015-02-06 Secretary Hagel participated in the recent NATO ministerial at NATO headquarters, and spoke about how he saw the challenges facing the Alliance. He highlighted the cross-cutting impact of three threats: Russian seizure of Crimea and threats to the North; terrorism at home in the NATO territories; and combating ISIL…
2015-02-02 By Ed Timperlake "We are entering an era where American dominance in key warfighting domains is eroding, and we must find new and creative ways to sustain, and in some areas expand, our advantages," Hagel said in a memo to Pentagon leaders announcing his innovation initiative. Hagel noted that while the…
2015-01-25 In a new report by Dr. Amatzia Baram published by the Geopolitical Information Service, the question of the emergence and impact of an independent Iraqi Kurdistan is the focus of attention. The war with ISIS has given Iraqi Kurdistan the opportunity to demonstrate its strength, order and cohesiveness. What…
2015-01-02 Lest one is delusional about the leadership of the PRC, one can look at its latest move to bolster Putin against pressures from the West, pressures which originated from the Russian seizure of Ukraine. China and Russia have a long and complicated relationship of allies, competitors, rivals and friends.…
2015-01-02 By Robbin Laird 1914 was a year, which marked the end of an era; although the inevitability of this change was evident after the events set in motion that year had their full effect. History has an inevitability about it, which is not experienced by those living through that…
2015-01-02 By Robbin Laird There is probably not a single American with a pulse who has not heard of Pearl Harbor. A day that brought the United States into World War II, and led to the Asian war with the United States as a major participant. When current strategists talk…
2014-12-09 By Paul Bracken, Yale University A turn in attitudes about nuclear weapons is taking place. There is a growing realization that we are entering a multipolar nuclear world. Despite pious U.S. appeals to other countries to give up nuclear arms, this isn't happening. And there's little sign that it…