2014-12-17 Ed Timperlake has focused the attention of politicians, analysts and the Second Line of Defense team upon the growing significance of information war. As we reach the end of 2014, Second Line of Defense would like to highlight this key challenge, one that we intend to focus attention on…
2014-12-15 by Robbin Laird There is a long history and strategic culture associated with nuclear deterrence. The question is whether the history and the culture are more of hindrance than a help into thinking about second nuclear age deterrence and warfighting? Paul Bracken has argued persuasively that nuclear weapons have…
2014-12-16 By Robbin Laird As the US shapes its next phase of 21st century military and security policy, it is crucial to assess the capability of the national security system to set goals and objectives appropriate the tools available. In a world of high demand, and scarce resources, this means…
2014-12-05 By Robbin Laird and Ed Timperlake There is little question that the ISIL induced crisis is a major one. And it is one with cascading regional implications. With several years of dynamic change in the region, and the failure to create a stable Iraq during the period after the…
2014-11-08 By Michael W. Wynne In the development of airpower, one has to look ahead and not backward and figure out what is going to happen, not too much what has happened. — Brigadier General William 'Billy' Mitchell, USAS 1926. Although we are only fourteen percent of the way through…