Arleigh Burke Destroyers to Rota Spain

02/03/2014: The Spanish navy is a major allied navy, which deploys the Aegis system.  Now US Navy ships are coming to Spain as well to join in the effort.  According to a story by Steven Beardsley in a January 31, 2014 Stars and Stripes story:  The first of four U.S.…

Red Flag 2014

02/03/2014: Red Flag 14-1 is an air-to-air combat training exercise in the skies over the Nevada Test and Training Range. The purpose of the exercise is to increase the combat capability of U.S. and allied air forces for future combat situations. [slidepress gallery='red-flag-2014'] Credit:99th Air Base Wing Public Affairs:1/28/14 In…

22nd MEU Prepares for Deployment via a Composite Training Unit Exercise

02/02/2014: Bataan sailors involved with the 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit Marines are seen underway for Composite Training Unit Exercise (COMPTUEX), designed to present the Bataan Amphibious Ready Group with scenarios seen on deployment. [slidepress gallery='22nd-meu-prepares-for-deployment-via-a-composite-training-unit-exercise']  Credit: USS Bataan (LHD 5):12/3/13 In the first photo, Commodore, Amphibious Squadron 6, Capt. Neil…

Preparing an Osprey Engine for Cleaning at Sea

01/31/2014: Sgt. Thomas G. Beams and Cpl. James Mason prepare an MV-22 Osprey for an engine wash on the flight deck of the amphibious assault ship USS Boxer (LHD 4). [slidepress gallery='preparing-an-osprey-engine-for-cleaning-at-sea']  Credit: USS Boxer (LHD 4):12/3/13 In the second photo, Cpl. James Mason prepares the engine of an MV-22…

Nato Response Force Exercise, 2014

01/30/2014: Various Land Sea, and Air exercises as part of NATO multi-national training exercise in early 2014. For NRF 2014 rotation NATO's Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) gives his specific guidance to JFC Brunssum to train, prepare and certify the Immediate Response Force (IRF) and the elements designated in the Response…