Adm. Phil Davidson, commander of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, participates in a panel discussion, “Indo-Pacific: Ancient Waterways, Emerging Geometries”, at the Raisina Dialogue 2019 in New Delhi, India. The Raisina Dialogue is a multilateral conference held annually and has emerged as India’s flagship conference on geopolitics and security. NEW DELHI, INDIA…
U.S. Marine Corps MV-22B Ospreys with Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron (VMM) 365 conduct flight operations during Exercise Trident Juncture 18 near Northern Norway, Nov. 6, 2018. The exercise enhanced the U.S. and NATO Allies’ and partners’ abilities to work together collectively to conduct military operations under challenging conditions. The Marines…
The training of Afghan Tactical Air Coordinators (ATACs) by coalition forces, including Australians, is having a significant impact on Afghanistan’s battles with insurgents. In early December, the Afghan Air Force conducted its first night-time air strike inflicting heavy casualties on insurgents and destroying enemy munitions stores. Operation Highroad is the…
U.S. Marines with Marine all Weather Fighter Attack Squadron (VMFA(AW)) 224 conduct pre-flight inspections on an F/A-18D Hornet assigned to VMFA(AW)-224, prior to departure for Trident Juncture 18 at Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort, South Carolina, Oct. 15, 2018. MCAS Beaufort October 15, 2018
Various shots of EA-18Gs during Red Flag Operations at Nellis AFB, Nevada. NELLIS AFB, NV, UNITED STATES 01.04.2019 99th Air Base Wing Public Affairs
U.S. Marines with 2nd Aircraft Wing talk about their cold weather experience during Exercise Trident Juncture 18, Norway, Nov 5., 2018. The exercise enhances the U.S. and NATO Allies' and partners' abilities to work together collectively to conduct military operations under challenging conditions. Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron 366 is with…
Highlights of missions and key accomplishments across the Air Force Materiel Command footprint during 2018. WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, OH, UNITED STATES 12.17.2018 Air Force Materiel Command
The Port of Djibouti is a vital resupply location for both the U.S. Navy's Sixth and Fifth Fleet. Vessels transiting in and around the port rely on Coastal Riverine Squadron 8 to protect their passage. CRS8, comprised of a diverse team of U.S. Navy Reserve sailors deployed to Djibouti in…