11/02/2015: Russian Observers visited a training area in Teulada during the NATO Exercise Trident Juncture 2015. LTC Yuri Praskovin, the Inspector Team Leader, COL Valentin Barykin, LTC Oleg Lozhkyn and 1st LT Yuri Sukhanov attended. Turkish F16 fighter pilots conduct training sorties from the Los Llanos airbase, as part of…
11/01/2015: Members of the 1st Brigade said farewell to the 1100 US Marine Corps' Marine Rotational Force Darwin personnel during a parade at Robertson Barracks on Monday, the 5th of October 2015. Commander of the 1st Brigade, Brigadier Mick Ryan, talked about the important relationship that has been built between…
10/29/2015: The Royal Netherlands Navy is preparing for participation in the NATO Response Force (NRF) by conducting amphibious landing training off the coast of Spain as part of Exercise Trident Juncture 2015. The Netherlands is commanding an amphibious task force during the exercise, consisting of a maritime staff aboard the…
10/28/2015: Members of the Arizona Air National Guard train on rapid runway repair at the 119th Wing, North Dakota Air National Guard Regional Training Site at Fargo, ND. Credit:119th Wing Public Affairs North Dakota Air National Guard:8/31/15
10/26/2015: An Osprey lands on HNLMS JOHAN DE WITT during exercise Trident Juncture 2015. Credit: Natochannel.:10/22/13 This was prepared for during training earlier this year. The speed and range of the Osprey is a key combat enabler. It also provides significant reach and range to connect US and allied warships into…
10/26/2015: Trident Juncture 2015 sees a huge mix of land, air and sea training exercises. On 10/22/15 in Sierra Del Retin, Spain the Dutch ship, HNLMS Johan de Witt saw USMC V22 Ospreys land on its deck. In Portugal, Portuguese and US Marines, conduct an Assault operation, at the Pinheiro…
10/25/2015: Soldiers from the Ukrainian National Guard watched a demonstration on the Shadow RQ-7B given by 173rd Airborne Brigade paratroopers. The unmanned aerial vehicle display was given during Fearless Guardian. After the launch, the soldiers were given a small class on the UAS capabilities. Maintenance NCOIC, Sgt. Preston Hancock spoke…
2015-10-24 The Spanish are key participants in the Southern tier focus of the large scale NATO exercise Trident Juncture 2015. The Spanish joined NATO in the 1980s which was a major historical shift and one which contributed to the ending of the Cold War. Members of the Second Line of…