Pacific Strategy XVII: The Way Ahead

11/01/2011 We have laid out several key building blocks for a new Pacific strategy which leverages the new platforms we are building now or about to build.  We also believe that the approach we have laid out allows the United States to take the best of what we are currently…

Pacific Strategy XVI: Weaponizing the Honeycomb

11/01/2011 One of the greatest strength’s America has is to dream great dreams. Nowhere is this more evident in our pushing the envelope in aeronautical and space research. A robust debate is always going on in professional and scientific journals about the next generation of aircraft and technology. It would…

Pacific Strategy XV: Basing the Honeycomb

10/27/2011 - A key element of understanding a scalable presence strategy is basing.  Basing of the force in the Pacific is a function of several key capabilities: Sebasing; Partners and Allies Connected Capabilities; The F-35 and Re-crafting Land Basing Presence is rooted in basing; scalability is inherently doable because of…

Pacific Strategy XIII: Re-Working South Korean Defense

10/27/2011 - In our discussions at USMC Yuma Air Station with MAWTS, one issue analyzed was the impact of the first 4-6 F-35Bs on the first operations of the Amphibious Ready Group.  This has naturally led us to look at the same sort of question for the CVN and for…

Pacific Strategy XI: The Role of the Surface Fleet

10/27/2011 We have discussed three surface combatants earlier: the LCS, Aegis and the CVN and have integrated these platforms into a discussion of the interaction between presence and scalability.  Here the focus is upon other surface combatants and their roles in the way ahead. If one is focusing upon littoral…

Pacific Strategy XIV: Battle of the Bulge-in a Pacific Campaign

10/27/2011 - by Ed Timperlake Ever since the evacuation of the Chinese Nationalist Forces to Taiwan after their defeat on the mainland by Mao’s Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) has quested for a complete victory by establishing sovereignty over that island fortress. (Credit Image: Bigstock)…

Pacific Strategy X: ISR Services to the Honeycomb

10/24/2011 - As the presence forces operate in the Pacific from the Arctic to Australia, a key enabler will be the ISR inputs or services which support and enhance deployed decision-making centers, whether in the combat aircraft of the 5th generation or by the ships and longer-range strike assets. The…