Pacific Strategy IX: Inserting the UCAS Into Maritime Operations

10/23/2011 - A key development for the evolution of U.S. Pacific operations will be the use of new remotely piloted vehicles as part of the C4ISR capabilities.  So called-unmanned systems are clearly not that; but are an important part of extending the reach and persistence of the strike and reconnaissance…

Pacific Strategy VIII: Re-Thinking the CVN

10/21/2011 - The presence and scalable force structure for the Pacific, which we are laying out here, is intended to be suggestive and not completely comprehensive.  Every weapon system and platform will not be discussed, but the key categories of platforms and weapon systems are discussed as a means of…

Pacific Strategy VII: “Aegis is My Wingman”

10/20/2011 - In a phrase, this is how the remaining core naval assets are integrated into a scalable Pacific capability.  The F-35s, whether land or sea-based as a Z axis C4ISR D force can bring the entire surface and subsurface fleet into a scalable operation.  An economy of force capability…