Looming Gaps: The “Haiti” Rescue Effort in 2012

Towards a rescue capability gap? [caption id="attachment_4785" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="The The new cutter, the Waesche, comes through the Panama Canal in early February (credit: USMG; 02/2010)"][/caption] The military impact of equipment shortfalls and delayed modernization efforts is sometimes difficult to measure.  When a crisis like Haiti happens, the U.S. military…

Lessons Learned: The USMC Approach to Close Air Support in Fallujah (Part Three)

CAS: A CORE CONTRIBUTOR TO SUCCESSFUL INTEGRATED OPERATIONS IN FALLUJAH (Reprinted courtesy of the Marine Corps Gazette. Copyright retained by the Marine Corps Gazette) By Maj Fred H. Allison, USMCR (Ret) Maj Allison is a former Marine F–4 radar intercept officer. He earned his doctorate in history from Texas Tech…

Game Changers: Reframing The Climate Change Debate (Part Two)

New Solar Minimum Ushers In Extreme Cold Climate? By D.K. Matai [caption id="attachment_4754" align="alignleft" width="400" caption="Judith Lean, Cycles and trends in solar irradiance and climate, 12/22/09 (http://www3.interscience.wiley.com)"][/caption] The longer the sun remains quiet, the higher the chances of a prolonged series of cold winters and shorter summers. This is the…

Gamechanger Series: Reframing The Climate Change Debate (Part One)

Sldinfo is generating a series on game changers.  What key technologies, organizational changes, or geo-political approaches will reshape the decade ahead?  Associated with identification and assessment of forces for change, we will look at the world in 2020 which is only a decade away to better understand the shifting strategic…

Maritime Security in Europe: The Adriatic-Ionian Initiative as Part of the Puzzle

By Harry Syringas (Sldinfo research staff) [email protected] According to the Assembly of the Western European Union’s assessment on the risks and threats of the maritime situation in Europe, among the maritime nations of the European Union, coastal regions account for over 40% of Europe's GDP while roughly 90 % of…

The V-22 Under Attack: From the Afghanistan Weather!

[slidepress gallery='v22-weather'] This week we have a slide show underscoring the challenge of operating in the Afghan environment. Very recently, a significant hailstorm hit the operating base in Afghanistan for the V-22. As the squadron commander put it: “You can’t get more expeditionary than this!” ---------- ***Posted February 7th, 2010

Richard Aboulafia’s Assessment of the Year Ahead

The Aberration of the Large Jetliners' Growing Market We’ve just finished Teal’s 2009 World Aircraft Overview, and total deliveries in 2009 grew 3.7% by value over 2008 (it’s remarkably easy to forecast this year’s deliveries when we’re in the fourth week of December). Most of that came from military markets…

U.S. Military Warned Again About Loss Of U.S. Industry

By Richard McCormack (Manufacturing News) The Eradication of the U.S. Industrial Base Worsened by the Crisis The U.S. military risks not being able to field an army if Congress does not start addressing the loss of the American industrial base by reforming tax laws to encourage domestic production. “The defense…