Enhancing the Capability and Lethality of the Fleet: The Future is Now

By Robbin Laird While it is important to think about 2030, the air-maritime force is in the throes of significant innovation NOW and laying the foundation for significant change in the near to the mid-term. And this happening by reworking the integratability of key elements of the force and evolving…

Shaping a Way Ahead for Nordic Cooperation: July 2020

In a news story on the Norwegian government website published on June 7, 2020, the release of a new report on Nordic cooperation was announced. Last week the Nordic Foreign Ministers received the report "Nordic Foreign and Security Policy 2020: Climate Change, Hybrid & Cyber Threats and Challenges". On 30…

US and Australian Joint Task Force Exercise in Guam: July 2020

By Australian Defence Business Review The ADF has deployed 150 personnel and 10 aircraft to Anderson AFB on Guam to participate in multi-national joint-force exercises with the USAF, US Navy, and Royal Australian Navy. The air task unit comprises six F/A-18A/B classic Hornets, two EA-18G Growlers, an E-7A Wedgetail, and…

The Coming of MISR to the Fleet: The Perspective of the First Deployed MISR Officer

By Robbin Laird Earlier this year, in a visit with Vice Admiral Miller, the US Navy’s Air Boss, I was introduced to the coming of MISR, or the Maritime ISR Officer. MISR officers are trained as ISR subject matter experts to operate at the fleet or CSG level and to…

Visiting the Naval Aviation Warfighting Development Center (NAWDC): July 2020

By Robbin Laird The US Navy is in the throes of reworking its capability to prevail in the high-end fight while ensuring its ability to engage in full spectrum crisis management. There is no clearer proof of this judgment than the latest efforts at the Naval Aviation Warfighting Development Center…

Restored RAAF Mirage III Moves to RAAF Townsville Aviation Heritage Centre

The transit of a restored Mirage III from RAAF Amberley to RAAF Townsville is underway. The Mirage III or the French Lady was a single seat frontline fighter that flew between 1967 and 1987 for the RAAF. It flew at a speed of more than 2,000 kms per hour and…

The Coming of CMV-22B to the Fleet: Next Steps

By Robbin Laird In early February of this year, I attended the ceremony unveiling the Navy’s Osprey as the replacement for the C-2 for the logistics support mission. The Osprey seen in the ceremony was the second Osprey delivered to the Navy, as the first one had been delivered to…