French-Australian Cultural Challenges and the Submarine Program

In an article by Andrew Greene, defense correspondent for Australia's ABC news, the author leveraged Pierre Tran's article published on Second Line of Defense to discuss the French-Australian working relationship around which a new submarine is to be designed, built and launched. The story was published on April 26, 2019,…

MCAS Beaufort Air Show, 2019: A Photo Overview

In these photos credited to the USMC, the variety of aerial displays is highlighted. [maxgallery id="124968"] According to a story published on Military.Com on April 30, 2019 and written by Oriana Pawlyk, the F-35B performance was highlighted: The Marine Corps' F-35B stealth fighter performed 12 different maneuvers over the weekend during the Beaufort Air…

Visiting the Warlords: An April 2019 Update from the CO of VMFAT-501

By Robbin Laird During my most recent visit to 2ndMarine Air Wing, I had a chance to visit MCAS Beaufort and meet with Lt. Col. Adam Levine, the CO of VMFAT-501, otherwise known as the Warlords. As the base was busy for the airshow being held the weekend of the…

The 2019 Beaufort MCAS Airshow: The Warlords and the Latest F-35 on Display

We had a chance to attend the 2019 Beaufort MCAS Airshow on Friday, April 26, 2019. The airshow goes through today, April 28, 2019. A visit the day before with the CO of the Warlords provided the framework for viewing the airshow and its star, the F-35 with its 3F…

Hi-Intensity Operations and Sustaining Self-Reliance

The latest Williams Seminar held in Canberra on April 11, 2019 focused on the strategic shift for Australia within the context of the evolving global situation. Facing the rising challenges posed by the 21stcentury authoritarian states, and by the changing nature of alliances in the Pacific and in Europe, Australia…

The Ruler of the East: Kim and Vladimir Meet and Maneuver

By Lucas Bertolo Kim Jong-un arrived this Wednesday in Vladivostok on his armored train. It is his first time in his northern neighbor since he took power eight years ago. It is going to be also his first meeting with Vladimir Putin. The summit will take place at the Far…