By Robbin Laird At the International Fighter Conference 2018, one of the key themes was the standup of the F-35 in several air combat forces, and the impact of this effort on the way ahead for air combat forces. One of the presenters at the conference was an experienced F-16…
By Robbin Laird The French Air Force (FAF) is one of the most active Air Forces in the Western World. They have had significant demand on the force and have been stressed through a continual flow of operations. They are a nuclear-armed Air Force and their focus on Quick Reaction…
By Stephen Blank When the U.S. government announced it was withdrawing from the INF treaty due to Russian violations of the treaty that are now universally acknowledged, a flood of critical article immediately ensued. However, virtually none of those articles mentioned Russian nuclear strategy or policy, reflecting these commentators’ ongoing…
By Robbin Laird This year’s International Fighter Conference held in Berlin provided a chance for the participants and the attendees to focus on the role of fighters in what we have been calling the strategic shift, namely, the shift from the land wars to operating in higher intensity operations against…
By Robbin Laird At the International Fighter Conference 2018, Air Marshal (Retired) Geoff Brown provided an overview of how the RAAF has shaped a way ahead along with the Australian Defence Force to craft what they refer to as a fifth-generation combat force. In the case of the Royal Australian…
By Robbin Laird I spent a good deal of the 1980s traveling within and dealing with German security issues. A key challenge in the early part of the decade was the Euromissile challenge and working common positions among European partners and with the United States to deal with Soviet intrusions…
It is clear that for President Macron and for Chancellor Merkel that a new impulse needs to be generated for European construction. And they clearly are working together to do this. Whether this an engine driving effective change for the entire European Union is a different matter; for different initiatives…
By Dr. Gary Schaub, Jr. Acquiring new combat aircraft is a big deal. The combat aircraft fleets of most Western countries are nearing the end of their useful service life and therefore must be replaced. Such acquisition programs have been among the most expensive ever pursued and have therefore been…