Rear Admiral Jeffrey Jablon on the U.S. Pacific Submarine Force

By Robbin Laird During my visit to Honolulu during the last week of April 2023, I had a chance to meet with Rear Admiral Jeffrey Jablon, the Submarine Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet (SUBPAC) commander. We disscused the evolving role of the submarine fleet in the challenging environment of the Pacific.…

Australia’s Joint Operations Command: The Perspective of Air Vice-Marshal Michael Kitcher

By Robbin Laird During my March-April 2023 visit to Australia. I had a chance to meet with Air Vice-Marshal Michael Kitcher, Deputy Chief Joint Operations (DCJOPS) and to talk with him about the Joint Operations Focus on regional defence after a long period in the Middle East. AVM Kitcher is…

The Role of Maritime Autonomous Systems: Mission Thread Capabilities to Meet the Needs of Modern Warfare

By Robbin Laird If you are looking at the potential role of maritime autonomous systems from the standpoint of traditional acquisition approaches, the legacy concept of platforms, and are not focused on the priority for software transient advantage in modern warfighting, then you will totally miss what the coming of…

Rethinking Sustainable Defence Forces: A Discussion with Dr. Alan Dupont

By Robbin Laird In an earlier discussion with David Beaumont, I focused on the challenge facing the ADF of managing what I called the strategic triangle for force enablement. That triangle is conceptualized in the featured graphic for this article. At the core of the triangle is the challenge of…

Australia in the New Strategic Environment: The Australian-Japanese Relationship Within in an Evolving Deterrent Context

By Robbin Laird The most recent seminar of The Sir Richard Williams Foundation focused on shaping a way ahead for Australia in the new strategic situation. At the heart of consideration was Australia facing the core challenges of deterrence. But as a non-nuclear power and as a junior partner in…

Working the Architecture for the Next Generation European Air Combat System

By Pierre Tran Paris - France, Germany, and Spain, the partner nations of a European future combat air system, are due to pare down the short list of architecture options for a new generation fighter jet by the middle of next year, an air force officer said. “There is an…

Assault Support Tactics Training at MAWTS-1

U.S. Marines and U.S. Navy sailors assigned to 3rd Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division participate during Assault Support Tactics 2 (AST-2), as part of Weapons and Tactics Instructors (WTI) course 2-23 at Observation Point Feets, Chocolate Mountain Aerial Gunnery Range, California, April 12, 2023. WTI, hosted by MAWTS-1,…

MAWTS-1 Works Mobile Basing and Support for the Distributed Joint Force

By Robbin Laird Ever since 2018, MAWTS-1 has focused on the high-end fight component of the full spectrum of warfare. Force distribution is a key part of the survivability against a competitor who has significant firepower and can concentrate fires on relatively fixed positions. The Marines have worked mobile basing…