2015-10-08 The Japanese released their 2015 White Paper in July and have published an English version as well. They also released a look back at defense activities in 2014. With regard to the security environment facing Japan the judgement is direct: “The security environment surrounding Japan has become increasingly severe,…
2015-10-12 By Robbin Laird During my visit to Europe in the early Fall of 2015, one of the subjects of interest was the cross cutting modernization of the Eurofighter with the introduction of the F-35. Clearly, the Royal Air Force and the Italian Air Force are key players in this…
2015-10-12 In certainly a unique movement of military hardware, the Mistrals purchased by Russia, and then cancelled due to French reconsiderations are now going to Egypt. According to a story by our partner defenceWeb published on October 12, 2015: Egypt on Saturday signed a contract with French shipbuilder DCNS to…
2015-10-08 By Zsolt Lazar Since the Swedish defense firm SAAB and the Brazilian government have signed the financial contract of 36 Gripen NG multirole jets some weeks ago, time has come to take look on the first Gripen deal – which was conducted in Hungary between 2001 and 2008. In…
2015-10-11 By Robbin Laird Europe is facing a significant migration outpouring from the current Middle Eastern dynamics. Illegal smugglers are finding a variety of ways to assist migrants to get to Europe. And the European convention that the government on whose territory where migrants come must handle the problem is…
2015-10-07 By Robbin Laird During my recent trip to Italy, I had a chance to discuss with senior Italian Air Force officers the way ahead with regard to Italian airpower. The Italians, like the British, are undergoing a double transition, whereby the Eurofighter is being modernized in two ways: namely,…
2015-10-08 by Murielle Delaporte On September 30th, 2015, a change of command ceremony took place in Norfolk, Virginia, during which NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg presided over the official handover of the post of Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (SACT) from General Jean-Paul Paloméros to General Denis Mercier and awarded the…
2015-10-03 By Robbin Laird I recently returned from Australia where the Royal Australian Air Force is put in motion what they call Plan Jericho. In effect, the RAAF is providing the Australian Defense Force with an approach to transform jointness, or how the various elements of the ADF can work…