Training for the Extended Battlespace: An Interview with Rear Admiral Scott Conn, Commander, Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center

2014-11-04 By Ed Timperlake and Robbin Laird As we concluded our visit to The Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center, we had a chance to discuss the Center and the way ahead with Rear Admiral Scott Conn, Commander of the Center. Rear Admiral Conn has had a distinguished career as…

The USAF Innovates at the 33rd Fighter Wing: Working Survival Training for F-35 Pilots

2014-11-14 The big innovations which the USAF has done over time which have had an historical impact in combat operations often have books written about them, But smaller innovations, often generated by small groups of innovators, get less recognition. A case in point was the development and deployment of the…

F-35C Carrier Tests: A Photo and Video Album

11/08/2014: The initial carrier tests of the F-35 have begun aboard the USS Nimitz. It is clear from our visit to Fallon and our discussion with the head of Naval Warfare that the Navy leadership is getting ready to welcome the F-35 and to leverage the asset to work more…

The Importance of Training for Combat Proficiency: “You Can not Run a Peyton Manning Offense if You Can not Block and Tackle”

2014-11-09 By Robbin Laird and Ed Timperlake During our visit to the Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center in October 2014, we had a chance to discuss the importance of training and the way ahead with CDR Charles "Chunks" Smith. Question; You are currently at Top Gun but what is…