Enhancing the Integration of the USCG with the USMC and the USN: Synergy and Mission Effectiveness as Key 21st Century Efforts

2014-01-15 The USCG is struggling to recapitalize its cutter fleet.  The National Security Cutter is an effective ship as part of a maritime security package but will not be bought in the numbers required for the USCG’s global role. The smaller cutter, the Offshore Patrol Cutter, is struggling even to…

Is the Eurozone Crisis Over?

2014-01-11 By Harald Malmgren During 2013 the Eurozone financial crisis seems to have dissipated. Optimistic words spoken by high level Eurocrats asserted that the EZ economy had turned the corner and was gradually recovering, with 1.0% GDP growth likely in 2014.  ECB President Draghi said repeatedly that the ECB “would do…