Re-Shaping the US-Japanese Relationship for the “Dynamic Defense” of Japan

2012-09-30 By Richard Weitz During the Cold War, the core bargain was that the United States would defend Japan against external attack while the Japanese government would contribute to its immediate self-defense and offer generous financial and other support, including hosting U.S. military facilities on Japanese territory. American strategists consider…

The Challenge of Persistent Presence in the Pacific: An Interview with Lt. General Robling

2012-09-29 In an interview with Second Line of Defense, the highest ranking Marine in the Pacific discussed the challenges facing the United States as it reset policies in the Pacific. In the interview,Lt. General Terry “Guts” Robling, Commander, USMC Forces Pacific, focused on the key contribution of the USN-USMC team…

Geography, Presence and a 21st Century Pacific Strategy

2012-09-29 By Robbin Laird As the United States and its allies deal with the various challenges in the Pacific, including enhanced PRC capabilities and assertiveness, geography has a significant impact. As Robert Kaplan has recently underscored, geography remains significant as an explainer for the world’s conflicts as well as bounding…

CTBT Verification Issues

2012-09-26 By Richard Weitz The Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) will have independent instruments for verifying and enforcing the treaty once it enters into force. These will supplement the verification provided by countries’ national technical means such as reconnaissance satellites as well as other intelligence collection systems. Much of the…

Japanese Defense Procurement at a Turning Point

2012-09-26 by Richard Weitz As Japan moves forward in shaping a 21st century defense strategy, defense procurement reform will become part of the picture. Current policies result in major Japan’s indigenously produced weapons systems, such as tanks and fighter aircraft, ranking among the most expensive in the world. The Japanese…

Providing Leadership in the Afghan War: In the Words of a USMC Hero

2012-09-26 We have received the Command Guidance which was issued by Lt. Col. Raible during his time as CO of VMA-211. And we are reprinting it here. The words speak for themselves as to what time of man, leader and Marine he was. [caption id="attachment_45106" align="alignnone" width="198"] Landing at Camp…

An Update on the Taliban Attack at Camp Bastion: UK Provided Perimeter Security

Camp Bastion perimeter security was being provided by the UK the evening of the attack.  And the Taliban attack itself is detailed in a BBC story which is well worth reading. According to this story: Bastion is one of the biggest camps in Afghanistan - its perimeter is 37km…

The Challenge of Collaborative Defense Procurement: Japanese and American Perspectives

2012-09-24 By Richard Weitz Despite recent efforts to enhance international cooperation on defense industrial issues, American companies that attempt to enter the Japanese defense market directly continue to complain about such recurring problems as bureaucratic impediments, language barriers, and the limited availability of post-sale repair and maintenance services. As a…