Sustaining a Forward Presence: The Military Sealift Command

by Robbin Laird In a series of articles for AOL Defense, I am going to look at several elements of re-shaping U.S. forces to enable an Asian pivot.  And intend to look at several neglected aspects of a sustainable power projection force for the 21st century. The U.S. can afford…

The Coming Chinese-Pakistani Threat to India

6/12/12: By Robbin Laird In a recent issue of Force magazine, an Indian colleague provided an insightful analysis of a key axis point where the combined Chinese-Pakistani threat could combine to pose a significant strategic challenge to India. In their article: Can Siachen Spring the Next Surprise? Pravin Sawhney and…

Multi-National Training: The Entry into Service of the A400M

6/11/12: By Robbin Laird One of the more interesting presentations at the Airbus Military Trade Media Brief 2012 was by the head of training at Airbus Military. Ian Burrett, Head of Training and Aircrew Operations, Customer Services, provided an overview of the approach and the standing up of the baseline…

The Future of Iraq: Sunnis and Shiites

6/10/12: By Richard Weitz Wielding power in a country so easily divided by competing allegiances and identities has never been easy. Although Iraqis’ nationalist sentiments are strong, the nation faces the challenge of overcoming major internal divisions. These include sectarian tensions between the majority Shiites and the minority Sunnis, ethnic…

Enabling the Global F-35 Fleet: Shaping a Common Logistical Approach

6/8/12: We have focused earlier on what is in the baseline F-35 in terms of capability. One aspect of the baseline aircraft which we did not focus on in that discussion was the common global language built into every manufactured aircraft which comes off the assembly line. Because the…

New Dawn 2012: Iraq Without the U.S. Military

By Richard Weitz Today’s Iraq is an aborted democracy that falls considerably short of the original U.S. goal of creating an attractive democratic, prosperous, ethically mixed country that partners with the United States to maintain regional stability and security. Iraq’s political leaders cannot cease feuding, wary investors hesitate to make…

A400M: The Fleet

6/8/12: The A400M is being built with the 21st century approach to fleet management in mind.  Ranging from Unique Identification Tags built in, to multinational training, to providing for global support, the A400M has the advantages inherent in advanced manufacturing. As we argued earlier: It was clear notably with the…

Moving Forward to Strengthen the U.S. Military Manufacturing Base

06/7/12: by Bill Anderson The National Network for Manufacturing Innovation Take a drive through any industrial city across the United States.  Take a good look at the shuttered factories behind locked gates that not so long ago manufactured quality televisions, clothing, shoes, automobiles and, quite importantly, critical military equipment to…