The Making of US National Security Policy: The Leadership Imperative By Richard Wetiz Successful policy development, implementation, and outcomes are often associated with direct and sustained presidential engagement. For example, the study of U.S. policy during the East Timor crisis found that it was only after President Clinton intervened to…
by Robbin Laird Recently, we have seen yet again, a US government report on the life cycle costs of the F-35 fleet from a 55 year perspective! One could ask a simple question: what has mandated this question and why are they not fired? There are many questions one can…
Second Line of Defense visited the USNS Robert E. Peary (T-AKE 5) while it was in port in Norfolk. The ship caught our eye while we were covering Bold Alligator 2012 because of the first operational engagement of an Osprey aboard a T-AKE ship. We will publish shortly an interview…
Shortly after the Bold Alligator 2012 exercise, Second Line of Defense sat down with Lt. Col. Boniface to discuss his experiences during Bold Alligator 2012. As the Osprey squadron commander involved in the exercise, he was in charge of the key toolset, the Osprey, which re-defined the ESG-MEB operationally. Two images…
by General (Retired) Jean-Patrick Gaviard President Barack Obama and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta have recently presented to the US military a major change of strategic vision. The document of reference[1] enumerates with a staunch line, the United States' priorities for the 21st century. In the face of budget constraints…
by Ed Timperlake Almost like a soap opera with no end, the AT-6 saga continues. Chronicled on this website and on the Second Line of Defense Forum, we have looked at the continuing efforts to get a Light Attack Support (LAS) aircraft into the hands of the Afghans before it…
Shaping Expeditionary Command and Control: From Javelin Thrust to Bold Alligator 2012 In an interview with Col. Kevin Iiams, currently the standardization officer for 2nd MAW, the Colonel discussed the evolving approach of the USMC to shaping expeditionary command and control capability. He discussed his previous experience in Javelin Thrust-11…
Second line of Defense asked Col. Mike Osajda USMCR (ret) to discuss his experiences as an Amtrac Platoon Commander during the Vietnam War. He begins his narrative by pointing out that his tactical doctrine was defined by “Appendix I to Naval Warfare Publication 22.3 Ship to Shore Movement. This was…