Going the Extra Mile

Providing for Maritime Safety and Security: Going the Extra Mile An Interview With Rémi Julien, President and CEO of SIGNALIS (By Murielle Delaporte) 04/01/2011 - At Euronaval in October 2010, Second Line of Defense’s Murielle Delaporte interviewed Rémi Julien when he was the CEO of Sofrelog, but the interview focused…

Hypersonics and Its Impact on the Future of Warfare (Part Three)

An Interview With Professor Lewis 04/01/2011 - In January 2011, Second Line of Defense sat down with Professor Lewis to discuss the current status and dynamics of hypersonics.  Mark J. Lewis is chairman of Clark School’s Department of Aerospace Engineering at the University of Maryland, College Park, and President of…

The Libyan War: Lessons Being Learned Outside the Beltway

By Ed Timperlake 03/31/2011 - The American and Allied combat action against Mommar Gadhafi  is appropriately generating significant debate in America, especially by individuals inside what is called “the beltway". Needless to say on an issue of taking the country to a war unilaterally by President Obama, there is significant…

The AFRICOM Enigma

By Ed Timperlake Nathan Hodge has just written an extremely important, well-documented and insightful book on peacekeeping and related adventures.  The book provides insight into the launch of AFRICOM, a key command in the current Libyan operation. His Chapter 10, “Peace Corps on Steroids” describes with great insight and excellent sources,…

New U.S. National Security Space Strategy

New U.S. National Security Space Strategy Proposes New Partnerships By Dr. Richard Weitz 03/22/2011 - The new approach expounded in the National Security Space Strategy released by the Obama administration in early February could, if implemented, affect a number of SLD readers, including the military logistics community, industrial players, and…

Death of a Soviet Aviation Legend

By Dr. Richard Weitz 03/22/2011 - The famed Russian aircraft designer Mikhail Simonov died earlier this month, at the age of 81, after a long illness. His Sukhoi fighter jets represented the best of the Soviet defense industry and continue to dominate Russia’s arms sales to foreign countries. [caption id="attachment_16879"…