2012-10-15 Recently, Rear Admiral Thomas P. Ostebo, Commander of the USCG, 17th District, appeared before the US Senate and provided an overview on recent USCG activity in the Arctic. (For the complete testimony read the document below: Operation Arctic Shield). Notably, the Admiral provided a succinct overview on Operation Arctic…
2012-09-23 We have written about the challenges facing the nation's 911 force. We have argued that the USCG is facing a downslope in its capabilities due to the inability of the procurement system, the Congress and the Administration to buy replacement assets. As an AOL Defense piece put it: "Shaping…
By Robbin Laird There are several new elements of the evolving global maritime transportation system, which place increasing demand on the providers of maritime security. Among those dynamics are: Deeper offshore drilling (such as the Arctic), Very large cruise ships (which are tax the ability to provide safety and security),…
01/03/2012 - by Dr. Scott Truver The focal point of U.S. Coast Guard acquisition reform and recapitalization remains the National Security Cutter. The NSC is one of the Coast Guard’s major contributions to the nation’s fleet. As such, the Navy may want to look at the Legend-class cutters as a…
10/17/2011: During the Second Line of Defense visit to the West Coast in late July 2011 to discuss USCG operations and challenges, a wide-ranging discussion was conducted with the San Francisco Sector. Captain Cyndy Stowe, Sector Commander led the discussion. Captain Bliven, Commanders Stuhlreyer, and Tama participated in the round…
10/13/2011 - In August 2011, Second Line of Defense sat down with Vice Admiral Parker in his office Portsmouth, VA to discuss the challenges facing the USCG in the Atlantic Area. [caption id="attachment_24526" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Vice Admiral Parker During the SLD Interview (Credit: SLD)"][/caption] Vice Admiral Robert C. Parker assumed…
10/06/2011: USCG personnel on Chesapeake Bay after Hurricane Irene discuss dealing with the Hurricane and its aftermath. Credit: 356th Broadcast Operations Detachment: 08/28/2011
09/13/2011: During the Second Line of Defense visit to USCG Island in Alameda, California, Captain John Prince and the Executive Officer of the Bertholf David Ramassini discussed their recent tour aboard the Bertholf. The conversation occurred in late July 2011 shortly after Captain Prince had relinquished command of the Bertholf…