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By Robbin Laird The U.S. faces a vastly different world than when it primarily focused on land wars post-9/11. Today it faces a multi-polar authoritarian world, with adversaries and competitors with both shared and competing interests, capabilities, and approaches to the use of military force to achieve objectives. With that in mind, how does the U.S. train a naval force to operate in such a world? And how do you draw on relevant U.S. joint…

An Update on F-35 Testing: Maturing Combat Capabilities (August 2014)

08/26/2014F-35 testing continues in anticipation of the IOC for the USMC F-35B next year. Read more »

An Update from Cameri: First Italian F-35 Powered Up

08/26/2014First Italian F-35 powered on at Cameri FACO. Read more »

Lt. General Jouas on Preparing for the Future of South Korean Defense

08/24/2014In this interview with the CG of the 7th USAF, the role of airpower in the defense of South Korea is the focus of attention. Read more »

First 1,000 Hour Flight F-35

08/23/2014AF-2 achieved 1,000 flight hours on June 18, 2014. Read more »

What do the Eurofighter and F-35 have in Common? The Meteor Missile

08/08/2014The Eurofighter and F-35 may not be the same generation aircraft, but they can share in the benefits of a next generation missile like the Meteor. Read more »

The RAAF and the F-35: Air Marshall Brown Discusses the Way Ahead

08/04/2014The head of the Australian Air Force discusses the F-35 at the roll out ceremony for the first Australian F-35s. Read more »

Give it to the Operators

08/01/2014The key to the future, as demonstrated at Yuma is to put the F-35B in the hands of the operators. Already, the pilots of VMFA-121 are working very… Read more »